Today, we are discussing the “Dental Implants FAQ.”
Why Do We Lose Teeth?
There are many causes:
- Advanced cavities
- Accident (fracture due to a blow)
- Inflammation of the supporting tissues of the tooth (periodontitis)
- Absence of tooth formation (agenesis)
- Systemic disease
- Medications and treatments
Why Is It Advisable To Replace One Or More Lost Dental Pieces?
The absence of teeth has the following consequences:
- Bone loss (bone without stimuli tends to shrink)
- Possible displacements and complications at the level of other healthy teeth
- Decreased chewing function
- Digestion problems
- Aesthetic damages and modification of facial expression
- Speech difficulties
Dental implants make it possible to alleviate these complications, providing a solution that is aesthetic and functional.
In Which Cases Are Implants Recommended?
Implant treatment allows:
- Replace a single tooth
- Replace multiple teeth
- Replace all teeth in an open jaw.
In this case, the implants make it possible to fix a bridge or stabilize a removable prosthesis.
What Is The Difference Between An Implant And A Bridge?
The placement of an implant is not an essential solution, but if conditions allow it, it is the preferable solution. In implant treatment, it is not necessary to lean on adjacent teeth, contrary to what happens in the placement of a bridge. In this way, adjacent healthy parts can be preserved; they do not have to be filed.
In addition, the bridge does not transmit chewing forces to the bone, which can cause bone deterioration.
Instead, the anchoring of the implant in the bone exerts a mechanical
influence on the bone tissue that encourages the formation of new bone.
By serving as an anchor, implants also can replace removable appliances with a fixed prosthesis.
What Materials Are Used?
Titanium has established itself as a reference material thanks to its high resistance and excellent body tolerance (biocompatibility).
Are There Contraindications To The Placement Of Implants?
Although in most cases, the placement of implants is the most advisable solution, certain risk factors must be taken into account:
General contraindications
- Patient too young (bone growth must have been completed)
- Poor general condition of the patient
- Difficult healing
- Pregnancy
- Severe bruxism (nocturnal grinding of the teeth)
- Severe smoking, substance abuse, or alcoholism
- Serious pathologies (cancer, declared AIDS, etc.)
- Other illnesses (heart problems, unstable diabetes, depression, etc.)
Local contraindications:
- Bad bone or gum condition
- Insufficient oral hygiene
- Insufficient bone volume (bone graft may be recommended)
- Poor bone quality (insufficient bone density) Presence of anatomical obstacles (sinus or dental nerve)
The detailed examination carried out by the physician will allow the evaluation of all these risk factors. Implant placement will only be considered if it is the most appropriate solution and the chances of success are high.
Is Tobacco A Contraindication To Implant Placement?
Smoking is a relative contraindication. Quitting smoking is strongly recommended to ensure successful treatment.
Indeed, tobacco delays the healing of tissues and can negatively influence the bone consolidation stage around the implant (“osseointegration” phase).
To What Age Can An Implant Be Placed?
There is no upper age limit. Anyone of advanced age can be a candidate for implant placement if they do not present risk factors. On the contrary, implants cannot be placed in patients who are too young (approximately under the age of 18). Jaw development must be completed.
How Much Does An Implant Treatment Cost?
It is difficult to estimate costs since these vary depending on the complexity of the clinical case (number of implants, increase in bone mass, etc.). The costs can vary enormously from one patient to another; you must request a budget before any treatment.
An estimate can only be delivered after a detailed examination.
The fees for implant placement are not fixed; they depend on each dentist. Dental implants do not fall into the category of reimbursable expenses by Social Security. Because they are considered prostheses with the HN nomenclature, some mutuals cover the costs of placing dental implants (find out in advance about the waiting period associated with certain dental costs).
On the other hand, the prostheses placed on the implants may be partially reimbursed by Social Security in some cases.
What Factors Influence The Success Of Implant Treatment?
Conditions that must be met for the treatment to be successful:
- Impeccable oral hygiene
- A competent and experienced practitioner
- Individualized treatment of each patient
- The doctor guarantees monitoring and normal controls.
What Is The Percentage Of Success?
When surgery is performed, there is no 100% success rate. However, the failure rate is very low.
The reliability of current implant treatments is fully proven. Success depends on many factors, such as bone quality, the surgeon’s experience, the absence of risk factors, the patient’s oral hygiene, and professional follow-up.
How Long Does Implant Treatment Last?
From the preliminary examination to the prosthesis placement, the duration of implant treatment can range from 4 to 12 months.
The extent of the treatment (number of implants, increase in bone mass, etc.) will determine its duration.
What Does Surgical Intervention Consist Of?
The surgical phase consists of inserting the dental implants into the jawbone. It is performed under local anesthesia and is painless.
The duration of the intervention ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on its complexity (number and location of implants, available bone volume, etc.).
The practitioner makes an incision in the gum and drills the bone at the site for the implant. When bone volume is not sufficient for implant placement, the possibility of increasing bone mass may be considered. Once the implant is in place, the gingiva is closed and sutured. A prosthesis will be attached to the implant when healing (called “osseointegration”) has occurred.
What Does The Computer-Assisted Operating Technique Consist Of?
Implant treatments have undergone significant advancements. Among the most notable is the 3D representation of the patient’s jaw, which increases the quality of dental restorations and guarantees precise, aesthetic, and individualized results. The physician may give preference to this technology in the most complex cases.
Is Surgical Intervention Painful?
Implant placement is normally performed under local anesthesia, making it a completely painless procedure.
Possible pain after the intervention can be relieved with analgesics.
How Long Should I Wait To Have A New Tooth?
Once the implant is placed, you have to wait 2 or 3 months to place the prosthesis (time necessary for healing).
A temporary tooth can be placed for aesthetic reasons (especially in the visible areas) during this period.
How Long Do Dental Implants Last?
Dental implants have a long, even unlimited life. Long-term clinical studies show that dental implants, in theory, have an unlimited duration as long as good oral hygiene is maintained and professional monitoring is carried out.
Only a poor state of conservation of the bone could reduce the life of the implants.
What Precautions Should Be Taken After The Intervention?
Good oral hygiene and regular monitoring are decisive to guarantee the duration of long-term implants. In cases of insufficient oral hygiene, implants are more susceptible to infections than natural dental pieces.