Tooth whitening is one of the procedures that we often use since it is a treatment increasingly sought by patients with oral health professionals. A smile with white teeth these days not only means an improvement in the oral health of each one of us, but it also increases the self-confidence and self-esteem we have for our image.
At the Global Dental Clinic, we always bet on the best for your smile.
What is Tooth Whitening? Teeth Darkening
With age, our teeth naturally tend to darken. However, the leading causes of tooth darkening are still due to eating habits: such as the consumption of coffee, tea, soft drinks, red wine, etc. Smoking habits are also one of the leading causes of tooth blackening and poor oral hygiene. Teeth born with a too dark colour (yellow-greyish) are still mainly caused by antibiotics (tetracyclines) during tooth formation: post-birth until the age of about 12 years.
Cause of Darkening Teeth
Identifying the cause of tooth darkening is essential to choosing the most appropriate technique for each case. Teeth can have internal and external stains. The external ones are effectively removed through a cleaning performed by an oral health professional. However, internal stains are only released through the tooth whitening procedure.
Is it possible to whiten my teeth safely and effectively without sensitivity or pain?
Tooth Whitening is one of our patients’ aesthetic treatments increasingly sought after; social and professional reasons lead patients to invest more and more in a smile with healthier and whiter teeth, increasing their self-esteem and self-confidence.
The acceptance by oral health professionals that the latest tooth whitening techniques are completely safe and do not pose any risk to the patient, during and after the same performance, tooth whitening thus becomes a treatment with great acceptance by our patients.
A thorough assessment of the oral health status regarding the diagnosis of dental caries, fillings/fillings and gingival problems is essential for the performance of a tooth whitening treatment with maximum efficiency and total safety without causing any pain and tenderness during and after treatment.
Identifying the cause of tooth darkening is essential to choose the most appropriate tooth whitening technique to perform, to obtain faster and more effective results, in addition to allowing the maintenance of tooth colour for as long as possible, with an average duration of 2 years without the need for further intervention, thus increasing patient satisfaction.
Tooth Whitening Techniques
CMD professionals have the latest tooth whitening techniques and the latest whitening agent formats. The use of LASER to maximize the effect of whitening agents, thus reducing their contact time with the teeth, leads to a faster, more effective result without any consequences to the integrity of the tooth enamel and gums, thus making tooth whitening an effective treatment without any kind of pain during and after treatment.
Practices for Treatment Success
Tooth whitening treatment is not a definitive treatment. Moderation of some eating habits is essential for successful treatment. The consumption of highly pigmented beverages (coffee, tea, red wine, etc.) and smoking habits (one of the leading causes of darkening teeth) stand out. Correct oral hygiene using a specific toothpaste accompanied by a biannual control by a professional is essential for the success of the treatment.
What are the post-treatment procedures?
After the tooth whitening treatment, or if more than one session is needed, the patient’s participation is essential in terms of correct oral hygiene. Reducing the consumption of foods rich in dyes (coffee, tea, red wine, ketchup) and reducing the frequency of smoking habits are essential to avoid a setback in treatment.
The tooth whitening treatment is not definitive; however, the techniques and means used by us allow us to keep teeth whiter for longer and longer, with an average duration of 2 years until a new procedure.
What are the most used techniques?
- Tooth whitening works within the tooth structure and does not weaken either the enamel or the inner part of the tooth.
- Any whitening that occurs implies an observation regarding the diagnosis of dental caries, gingival health status, treated/filled teeth and the use of fixed prostheses to plan the whitening with total safety and quality.
- Nowadays, dentist can whiten teeth in just one appointment, using the most advanced techniques, depending on the degree of darkening of the teeth. The use of whitening agents in gel form, which are in contact with teeth and activated through a specific LASER, leads to faster, more effective, and utterly safe whitening for teeth and gums and does not imply any sensitivity and pain during and after treatment.
- To maximize the treatment of tooth whitening, and due to the dark shade of teeth, it may be necessary to complement the treatment with the use of whitening techniques that involve the participation of the patient at home, with the help of trays made for this purpose, in addition to carrying out more than one bleaching session in the office.