Dental Implants Questions & Answers

Check Out Dental Implant Questions and Answers

Check Out Dental Implant Questions and Answers?

  1. What is a Dental Implant?

dental implant is a minor component in the form of a screw inserted into the jawbone to replace the lost teeth’ roots. Dental implants allow us to replace the natural piece with an artificial part of equal or better functionality and aesthetics.


  1. What are Dental Implants for?


The dental implants are intended to replace teeth lost for any reason, integrating so much to live healthily and utterly natural with the rest of the mouth’s tissues. The dental implant can be used to replace a single tooth, several or all teeth.

  1. Is the treatment painful?

No, since it is always performed under local anesthesia and sometimes with sedation or general anesthesia. For most patients, it is sufficient to apply local anesthesia to avoid any discomfort. Still, if necessary, your implant team can improve your well-being by using relaxing medications or applying conscious sedation techniques.

  1. How long do dental implants last?

Dental implant treatments have shown long-lasting, comfortable, aesthetic, reliable, and predictable results that are far superior to other natural tooth replacement treatments. Research on the techniques that have made implantology possible today starts from 1965 and, today, some patients have had prostheses on dental implants for more than 30 years.

  1. How aesthetic are Dental Implants?

When the dental implants are correctly placed and the patient completes the treatment perfectly, the results will be aesthetically equal to or better than a natural tooth. As a result, we will obtain a healthier mouth and a pleasant smile.

  1. How do Dental Implants work?

The dental implants have the same function and are of equal or better aesthetics of natural teeth. The dental implant can be used to replace a single tooth, several or all teeth.

  1. What are Dental Implants Made of?

They are made of titanium or alloys of this material, given its characteristics: light, strong and compatible with the body, which means that the body does not reject it. A unique property is the fusion of titanium with bone, bone integration, which is the basis of this surgery’s success.

  1. Where is the Dental Implant placed?

Placing the dental implant is made in the jawbone, thus preventing its loss, helping to maintain their shape and density, which implies that it also supports the facial skeleton and, indirectly, the structures of soft tissues, tissues of the gums, cheeks, and lips.

  1. Can the body reject Dental Implants?

The implants are made of surgical titanium, a biocompatible material, bio-inert, stable, with the ability to integrate with the bone ( osseointegration ) and excellent tolerance by soft tissues. It is a metal that has not shown any toxic or irritating reaction on living tissue; this means that the body does not recognize it as foreign.

  1. Can everyone get a Dental Implant?

Some health conditions prevent the placement of dental implants, so a prior clinical assessment must be made. The most frequent limitation for placing a dental implant is that there is not enough bone for the implant.

  1. What is the ideal time to have a Dental Implant placed?

Ideally, place the implant screw immediately after tooth extraction. There are cases in which there is not enough bone structure to place the implant directly, and in that case, it is necessary to give the bone a special treatment on the day of tooth extraction so that a dental implant can be placed in the future.

  1. What is osseointegration?

It is a biophysical phenomenon that produces a union at the molecular level of titanium with bone. This union is so strong that if we later wanted to separate the titanium from the bone, it would be impossible; we could only extract the implant while removing the bone that surrounds it.

  1. What contraindications do Dental Implants have?

There are very few, among which we can highlight serious diseases that influence bone metabolism, specific infections, malignant tumors that affect the bone, or radiation therapy in large doses.

It is essential to say that implants do not cause rejection in the body; it can only happen that osseointegration fails (a failure level of 2% of the implants placed is considered normal). However, it must also be considered that there are cases that are more compromised than others. When an implant fails, another can be replaced to replace it.

  1. What type of surgery is it?

It is an outpatient intervention; this means that it is unnecessary to enter a hospital operating room. The intervention is carried out in a regular dental consultation, provided that said consultation is equipped with the necessary material to perform surgery.

The intervention is carried out in most cases under local anesthesia. In long-term interventions (complete rehabilitations, maxillary sinus elevations, bone regeneration), an anesthesiologist can be used for monitored intravenous sedation. The patient at no time feels pain or discomfort.

  1. Is the post-operative annoying? 

Contrary to what it may seem, the post-operative period has minor discomfort and discomfort than other dental interventions in many cases. A well-placed dental implant should not hurt; it can only cause pain during the healing process. It is essential to have excellent hygiene to avoid gum infections. Antibiotics are usually prescribed for safety. In cases of significant interventions, such as maxillary sinus elevations or grafts, swelling frequently appears during the first days. Still, it is not painful and allows us to continue with our activities.

  1. How long does the complete treatment last? 

The implants that we use in our surgeries are the ones that integrate the best and fastest. The prostheses can be placed after two months of waiting after the surgery. Other implants may require an osseointegration time of up to six months.

  1. Can dental implants be placed in patients of all ages? 

They can be placed in the young after development is complete. In adults, there is no contraindication due to age.

  1. What type of prosthesis is placed on dental implants? 

There are two forms of prosthetic rehabilitation on implants: The fixed prosthesis, which provides the highest level of aesthetics, comfort, and function; and the removable prosthesis (to remove and to put on), a cheaper option as it is a less sophisticated treatment.

  1. What conditions are essential for the success of dental implants? 

The fundamental conditions to guarantee success are:

The correct planning of the case (each patient has different needs).

The experience of the surgeon, the size of the implant and its correct placement.

The experience in the manufacture of the prosthesis (taking into account the loads that it has to bear and the correct adjustment to avoid any weird forces that suppose an overstrain of the implants)

  1. What risks can the patient have? 

The risks vary from each patient since each case is different, depending on the needs and the areas to place the implant. It is essential to mention that there may be an infection, causing the loss of it.

  1. What happens when the patient has little bone? 

Today there are advanced techniques for this type of problem, which are no longer an obstacle to rehabilitate any oral area.

Maxillary sinus elevations and grafts can be used to be specific to the patient or other types, with a very high success rate. A Global Dental Clinic ™ performs this treatment. Fortunately, the cases in which a patient who wishes to be rehabilitated cannot be rehabilitated are rare. The field of bone regeneration is undoubtedly one of the significant advances in Dental Implantology in recent years.

  1. What is the durability of dental implants? 

Perhaps it is the only case in medicine in which the artificial substitute has better functionality than the original organ. A dental implant that works correctly in the mouth (because it is placed in the ideal position and supports an axial load proportional to its size) has durability much more excellent than the natural life.

We currently have implants in the mouth for more than 10 years, and they continue to work without any problem.

  1. Can dental implants be placed on the same day? 

It is possible to do it in particular and favourable cases. The time factor conditions the quality and type of prosthesis that can be offered. It is essential to mention that you leave the clinic with temporary teeth or teeth, which will later be replaced by the definitive ones of the highest quality and aesthetics.

  1. Do you treat patients from other parts of India or abroad?

Yes, it is more common for people to move out of their residence places every day to receive specific important treatment. If you are considering this possibility, we advise you to contact us to inform you and facilitate travel.

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